You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ Communication Break Down. It’s a Led Zeppelin classic. It’s also a building block for civilization. My favorite book in the world; Merriam Webster says Communication is : the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your […]
FEBRUARY 14, 2014 Apparently I have some very strong thoughts on Valentines Day. I was researching my archives and February 14th is like a volcanic eruption on the Life’s Crazy Radar. Today I present for your reading pleasure, an unprecedented move; NOT ONE – BUT TWO, Life’s Crazy rants on the day of hearts and […]
You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ Kindle Books. Yes. I have the power. I will become a published author. I’m not sure what day. I am not sure what time. But this month, it will happen. You hear that UNIVERSE. I am talking to you. I am going to push the SEND […]
You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ Baby death! Some stories are easier to tell than others. Some stories are easier to care about than others. Some stories tear at your heart. Other stories are hard to even remember the next day. Monday night at 9pm, I race to North Nashville to cover […]
you know what’s crazy. I’ll tell you what’s crazy.™ Music City Bathroom Attendants. It’s so aggressive, so damn intrusive, so freaking annoying, my buddy paid one of these guys $20 and said “that’s it. I’m done with you. Don’t f*** with me or any of my boys. We’re gonna take a piss when we want […]
You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ The Olympics in Sochi. So far it’s been a yawner, on almost every level. The opening ceremony was excessive, but for opening ceremonies, it was average in a “I saw this in London and China kind of way.” The athletic events have been pedestrian. I think […]
You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy.™ The Bachelor. I feel like a member of the village people for even watching the finale. I am wearing a pink thong and a tight tank top that says Whose Your Daddy? I am on the couch and trying to get in touch with my more […]
You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ The opening ceremonies from London. The games of the 30th Olympiad. I am in a bar for the first time in my own Olympic history watching the opening ceremony. I didn’t plan to be in a bar, but this is where the world has thrown me on […]
You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy.™ Breaking News that women are smarter than men. For the first time in ages, women have tested higher on IQ scores than men. Jay Leno cracked wise: “That’s because no blonds took the test.” The audience groaned and one woman, presumably blond, pouted and folded her arms […]
You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ The bathrooms at the Olympic Village in Sochi. Two toilets. Missing tiles. Lots of emptiness. A NYC phone booth has more style. A coffin is more cozy. The Russians are still building rooms in the Olympic village. The opening ceremony is Friday and the news showed […]