You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™
The motor city melt down.
Detroit Rock City is Bankrupt.
The city wrote a check it cannot cash.
Say it with me sports fans – Motown is No Mo.
BK for the 313. Say it ain’t so, Joe.
After losing half its population over the years, Motor City leaders waved the white flag filing for Bankruptcy.
Detroit is Down. Throw the city a life line.
Once the 4th biggest city in America, it’s now a running joke on late night TV.
How does an American city file for Bk? It’s stupidly preposterous.
The city is reportedly 18 billion in debt. That’s Billion with a B.
M & M is from the motor city. “This is what we do,” he said in a super bowl ad, last year.
Clint Eastwood was in the same super bowl touting the same sagging city. He said “The world will hear the roar of our motors.” What they hear is a gurgling sound and the alarm of the heart monitor summoning nurses for a cardiac event.
As ABC news reported; “The MoTown glory years are gone!”
Honestly, weren’t the Mo Town glory years gone when Bell Bottoms and peace signs left the building?
According to ABC, homicides are at the highest level in forty years in Detroit. Motor City is now dubbed murder city. That’s a nice headline for the chamber of commerce, isn’t it?
According to ABC, 63% of Detroit’s population is gone. There are an astounding 78,000 abandon buildings.
If it wasn’t an American city, I’d say it was a movie set for the next post apocalpytic film.
The Governor said simply “Detroit is broke. It’s an opportunity for a fresh start.”
That’s politician double speak for Detroit is broke, you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.
Detroit, simply put, is the largest American city to fold, cutting pensions and stiffing creditors.
It’s unbelievable.
Detroit is not a pretty city. It’s a cold city. It’s a hard city. It’s a city where you can buy crack and a hot dog on the same corner. Now it’s bankruptcy city.
How does an entire city file for BK?
It’s absurd. It’s like Santa Claus going on strike and telling the elves to pack their nog and hit the road.
If some banks are too big to fail, how is an entire American City not too big to fail?
If Detroit can fail, can Akron fail? Can Cleveland fail? Can Los Angeles fail?
It’s a slippery slope when cities start filing for insolvency and pensions and health care for citizens is lost.
Stay tuned for the gory details sure to come.
Life’s Crazy™