
Monthly Archive for: ‘August, 2013’
area 51

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ Area 51 For 60 years it has been the stuff of legends. It is America’s X files. It’s secret experiments and UFO’s and aliens kept in big vats of liquid goo. Area 51 is the Mother of all conspiracy theories. For most of modern times, the […]

Johnny Football

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ Johnny Football suspended. For 1/2 a game. That’s not a typo. HALF A GAME. For those of you in the dark. Johnny Football is Johnny Manziel. He  is the Heisman trophy winner. This pox faced, pissant stupid ass  was the 1st Freshman to ever win the […]

Amish Mafia

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ The Amish Mafia. Really. Those are two words you rarely say together. Amish. Mafia. They go together like toothpaste and orange juice. It’s Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid in a Turkish Bath house. Gimme a break. Amish Mafia? What the hell is that? Does the […]

Visual Acuity

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ Vanity vs Clarity! Yeah, I said it. So I’m waiting in line at the pharmacy. The guy ahead of me is buying black market Viagra and Indonesian Opium. I don’t know that Publix Pharmacy actually sells these items but it makes me laugh so bear with […]

71 Days

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ Miscreant Movers. They are burglars you pay to steal from you. They pack up your personal possessions, and drive away with a wave and a smile. Most of us worry something might get broken? Did we purchase enough insurance? Should we have put grandma’s china set […]

burn baby burn

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ Flaming Babies. It sounds like a joke. A priest, a rabbi and a baby walk into a bar… Poof. So while you are trying to get that stain out of your white pants and balance your check book, others apparently are dealing with the tiresome problem […]

Ocean 16

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ The Ocean 16 No that’s not the number of illegitimate children for Billy Ocean, it’s not the number of Powerball winners from New Jersey. Ocean 16 is the appellation given them by the media. It’s a play on the movie, Ocean’s 11 with Brad Pitt and […]

i shot a man just to watch him die

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ Shooting a man to watch him die. This ain’t’ a Johnny Cash song – This is real life. And life just got real ugly in the heartland of America. DATELINE: DUNCAN, Oklahoma. Christopher Lane, a 22-year-old Australian was living in the small town. He was reportedly […]

Obama Care and the Magic Mushroom

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ Ridiculous Facebook Posts. I have noticed something recently regarding Facebook. Serious subjects appear to attract less hits than mindless posts. This is hardly scientific. I have as much quantitative data as area 51 conspiracy theorists. Facebook has become a tired social contraption. It’s an antiquated mechanism […]

Other side of the tracks

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ The other side of the tracks. I am a cop reporter. My job often takes me to tough neighborhoods where humanity is frayed, where the looking glass is cracked. Headline: Police attempt to pullover  a drug suspect. He points a 45 caliber at them, and four […]