You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™
Anthony Weiner and his dwindling staff.
OOOOH. That’s sounds creepy, doesn’t it?
Anthony Weiner? This guy is more uncomfortable than Amish porn.
Anthony Weiner is a strange creepy man who should be on a milk carton, not the nightly news.
By now most of you know about his fall from grace. He was a rising star, a U.S. Congressman. Then he was caught sexting women and it all went limp.
Now he wants to be mayor of New York City. Really?
He has every right to run, the question is should he?
A sexting scandal is embarrassing. It’s flammable like hair spray around an open flame. A bona-fide sexting scandal would probably derail a run for HOA president, no less mayor of the biggest city in America.
Weiner doesn’t seem to care.
He apologized and his wife stood behind her man.
Then more evidence of more hanky panky surfaces.
Oh oh.
The Weiner texting scandal is a confluence of themes. It’s democracy in progress. It’s a slap in the face to women. It’s an embarrassing, public crash and burn.
The latest news: Weiners campaign manager has quit. He didn’t quit as much as he snuck away in the night. No press conference. No tweet. He just vanished like a hooker on a Baltimore water front.
Apparently the former campaign manager doesn’t think Weiner can rise in the polls.
I know, that was bad.
When asked how many more women are out there?
Weiner sounds stupid. “Six to ten, he says, but no more than that.”
6 to 10?
It sounds like a prison sentence with time off for good behavior.
It’s a late night comedian’s dream.
David Letterman refers to Weiner as the “Tour de Pants”
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said “It is so disrespecful of women.”
At his own campaign events, there’s a constant barrage of conflict.
Former teacher, Peg Brunday says “had I conducted myself in a manner such as you conducted yours, my job would have been gone.”
Can it get worse?
It can always get worse.
A round table of political pundits explore the possibilities and rip Weiner a new one.
“step aside,” one says. “
“voters will make this decision”
“It is not the usual politician having an affair. There’s an element of creepiness to it.”
“He’s hoping to put the genie back in the bottle. It won’t happen.”
“His behavior is clinically sick. And soon we will find out if the voters of New York City are sick.”
New York City is the incubator of American liberalism. This is what New York liberalism is all about.”
So let the late night jokes continue.
Will Weiner wither? Will his poll numbers shrink? Will his sexting sink him?”
Stay tuned.
It’s a classic American train wreck that is going off the tracks in slow motion, a tweet at a time.
Hey Weiner, put it back in your pants. Go and take care of your wife and kid and lay low for a while.
Life’s Crazy™