You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™
Your Daddy’s America.
In your daddy’s America, you could leave your doors unlocked.
In your daddy’s America the pie cooled on the window sill and then was shared with the neighborhood kids.
In your daddy’s America, no one felt you up to go visit grandma.
This ain’t your daddy’s America anymore.
December 2nd 2015.
14 people are brutally gunned down in San Bernardino, Ca.
14 people died.
21 people are now injured.
While we have yet to hear much about the victims, we are hearing a lot more about the alleged shooters.
Though born in America, he has a radicalized history that makes us question him and his motives.
Talking heads across the media spectrum speculate: Is it terrorism? Is it domestically related or was the couple radicalized in Pakistan?
Some say it is a work place altercation?
And some people believe in the Easter Bunny.
Work Place disgruntled massacre?
That seems pretty far fetched.
Nobody leaves a Christmas party, goes home, gets their wife, hands her an AR 15 and a couple thousand rounds of ammo and says “I’m angry at my co-workers. Let’s die together today. And by the way, pay the sitter in advance.”
So who are these people?
Why did they do what they did?
I found a fact sheet entitled What we know so far.
- The couple who killed 14 people and injured 21 others injured in Wednesday’s mass shooting at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, Calif., left 1,400 rounds and three pipe bombs attached to a remote-control device behind at the scene, police say.
Makes you wonder doesn’t it?
I work in an office. I don’t have 1,400 rounds of ammo, nor do I have any pipe bombs. I heard that the couple had a remote control car and the IED was affixed to it. It apparently malfunctioned. What was the plan? A husband and wife go on a work place Jihad and leave their 6 month old child to be raised by the state? By relatives.
What was the plan?
- The suspects — 28-year-old Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, 27-year-old Tashfeen Malik — opened fire inside the facility, which serves people with developmental disabilities, and fled in an SUV they rented earlier this week.
- They were killed in a massive shootout with police following a high-speed chase through San Bernardino. Police found an additional 1,600 rounds inside the vehicle.
- Because of the bombs, police had yet to remove all of the bodies from the center, San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan told reporters Thursday morning.
- A motive has yet to be determined, but federal officials have not ruled out terrorism.
- At the White House, President Obama said the killings were possibly terror-related, but added: “We don’t know.”
- The U.S.-born Farook and Malik, who is from Pakistan, met in Saudi Arabia, the FBI said, and returned to the United States, where they were married.
- During a search of their an apartment in Redlands, Calif., authorities discovered 12 pipe bombs and a cache of weapons.
- The pair had a six-month-old child who they reportedly dropped off at a relative’s home before their rampage.
It is a compelling story. It is a sad story.
It reminds me that we are never safe and we can never fully protect ourselves from Crazy.
There was crazy in your daddy’s day, but somehow it was safer crazy.
The police chief today said that prior to this attrocity, neither Farook or Malik were on law enforcement radar.
They are now.
The question we need to ask ourselves is, WHO ELSE ISN’T ON OUR RADAR?
Crazy, like an apparition on a windy day, doesn’t always manifest itself on traditional radar.
And though we’d like to think we are safe, it’s just a matter of time before the CNN live trucks move to another horrific scene in another blood strewn city.
Sooner or later, crazy is going to take aim and fire and America will once again question who we are and why this is happening.
See something say something is as good a defense as we have.
There are no TSA screeners on main street USA.
Sometimes you just have to strap it up and go about your day and not let the possibility of what if fill your thoughts.
In today’s topsy turvy world, where 2 people can bring a nation to a grinding halt, you have to ask yourself, what’s next?
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to create mayhem.
An angry maniac with a Cadillac and a heavy foot can drive into a crowd of people and take as many lives as our alleged terrorists.
How do you keep crazy on the outside looking in.
Ask the CIA, the FBI, the ATF, the DEA.
None of the alphabet agencies can tell you.
That’s because crazy doesn’t have to be complex.
Crazy doesn’t have to work in concert with anyone.
Crazy doesn’t always need a lot of sophisticated training.
Terrorism is simple.
Give a demented mind the opportunity to destroy and it will find a way.
I’m all for the dissection of the atrocity before us.
Why did it happen? How did it happen?
But let’s be clear.
Freedom doesn’t come with a metal detector that dings every time there’s a threat to Baseball, Hot Dogs, and Apple Pie.
Walk tall. Walk unafraid. Be vigilant.
Just know that we don’t live in your daddy’s America anymore.
Life’s Crazy™