
Monthly Archive for: ‘January, 2014’
Death’s Evil Stench

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ 9 people dying in one house fire. 9 people don’t usually die in 9 house fires. 50 people don’t normally die in 9 house fires. Typically ovens burn and couches burn and cigarettes burn and smoke detectors melt. Death in a house fire is not as […]

superbowl media day

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ Super Bowl Media Day Imagine if you will, every reporter with a question, every putz with a microphone, every scribe with an unspoken thought. Now imagine bad suits, and terrible hair cuts and people looking for swag. Now imagine all of this corpulent humanity crammed inside […]

Mr. Coffee

you know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy. That morning cup of coffee. Getting out of bed is hard enough. That first step on the floor, the shift of weight to both feet, that momentary equilibrium differential, it is disorienting. Will I fall, is there something to hold on to? My eyes are open, but there […]

Bieber Arrested! Unbeliebable!

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ Bieber Busted. Well here we go again. Haven’t I seen this movie before? Can you say James Dean? Too fast  to live. Too young to Die. Can you say Lief Garrett? obscure Tiger Beat reference. Can you say Jim Morrison? Come on baby light my fire. […]

Super-Cold Sunday

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ Super-Cold Sunday. The Super Bowl is supposed to be on Sunday. Sunday = Super Bowl. Super Bowl = Sunday. No offense  to the Easter Bunny or Jesus or Mother’s day. You’ve never heard it called Easter Bunny Sunday have you? Truth! To play the Super Bowl […]

lost keys

From the Life’s crazy Classic collection. You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy.™ Losing your keys. It launches a Lost Psychosis that is hard to explain. And this feeling is triggered the moment you realize that certain something is missing. For me it starts about 10pm Saturday night. That’s about the time a buddy drops me […]

Birth Order and the Middle Child

You know what’s Crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ The Middle child. Loud like a subway train. Demanding like a jail house warden. Defiant like a punk rock band. Independent like a fourth of July fire cracker. Aggressive like a blitzing linebacker. The middle child. Why? Because if you don’t carry a shank and bust […]

The Bartender

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ Customer Service. We nornally hear how bad it is. Well this is a story of how good it can be. And it can be that good simply because one person makes it happen. It’s a frozen tundra kind of night. The wind is howling and the […]

Water Heater Honey

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ My 50 gallon girl. My gas gal. My vented vixen. My water heater honey. It’s the end of an era. Tomrrow the faucets are turned off forever and a day. After almost 20 years, the mechanical water warmer will be put down, laid to rest, put […]

Lone Survivor

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy™ Lone Survivor. Wow. That’s all I can say as the film goes dark, the lights go on and I stand to exit the theater. “Wow” There is a smattering of applause, but the feeling in the theater is mostly that of emotion. The audience is spent, […]