
Monthly Archive for: ‘March, 2012’

you know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy.™A Laundry detergent so criminally desirable, so diabolically cleansing, it must be locked down like a Middle Eastern virgin. I’m not even sure what that means but…This next story is from the “I can’t believe it’s not butter” file.Major supermarket chains are locking down large cartons of Tide. That’s […]

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy.™ Insanity thy name is Clayton Osbon.Just call him Captain Crazy. Capt. Osbon is a pin wheel blowing in an unstable breeze. There’s a credo among ship captains and airline pilots: The singular goal is to get your crew, your passengers, your vessel from point A to […]

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy.™ The confessions of a flight attendant. Coffee, tea or me has apparently degenerated into sex and drugs and drunken debauchery at 36,000 feet.Heather Poole has been flying the friendly skies for 15 years. This veteran flight attendant wrote down what she saw. Some of it is […]

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy.™ I’m watching the AMC network. For the first time in my life I am about to watch Mad Men. Mad Men has been on for several seasons and is a 4 time Emmy winner for best drama. There’s no doubt the show is a huge hit, […]

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy.™GPSGlobal Positioning Satellite.In 300 feet make a U turn. In 300 feet you can KMA!I’m in a city I don’t know well. It’s dark. The streets are unfamiliar. I just need to find the interstate so I can get where I need to go.But the question is where […]

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy.™ Killing the American dream. And what is more dreamy and more American than engaging an adult film star? It’s Apple pie meets American Pie. It’s the day dream of half the humans reading this story right now. You know who you are. Dateline: Cold Ass Minnesota. […]

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy.™ A little something called the NFL beat down. Wednesday’s breaking news was decisive and stunning, like an ice pick in the eye. Good morning sports fans, a little battery acid with your Starbucks? The news heard around the world yesterday was the dagger blow to the […]

you know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy.™The seasons. The years. The cycles of time.What’s old is new again. Kids growing up. Getting married. having kids of their own. Children, parents, grandparents. Cyclical cycles of interminability.I am sitting here, day-dreaming on a lazy Sunday afternoon. I am thinking of the discussion I just had […]

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy.™ How I felt leaving the movie theater after watching Act of Valor. I’m not sure what to expect. Word on the street is: good movie. Great action. Lousy acting. The movie is about Navy Seals preserving freedom around the globe. The film showcases the Seals incredible training, expertise and […]

Happy St. Patrick’s Day March Madness Hoopsters.™ Can you say history? Friday was a story of Cinderella trying on her slippers. It was David V Goliath, only bigger. It was more like home owner vs Bank of America. This is a story of freaky Friday. The headlines were crazy, like Missouri loves company. A 15th seed […]