
Monthly Archive for: ‘August, 2010’

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy.™ A child putting a used condom in his mouth. I am horrified that I just wrote that sentence. I wish I could say this is a punchline to a bad Andrew Dice Clay joke, but according to the Fox affiliate in Atlanta, this appears to be […]

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy. How exciting the little league world series is. As I sit here watching little guys from Japan play little guys from Hawaii, I think; man these kids are having the time of their lives. It makes me look at the “Show” and think the pros have […]

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy! Bartenders being treated like fire breathing terrorists! They’re bartenders for goodness sakes, not shoe bombers. It’s not like Osama Bin Laden is pouring margaritas and lighting pipe bombs. Bartenders are your friends. They’re easy going guys and gals just trying to make a buck and entertain […]

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy!A man without a girlfriend who uses a mathematical equation to explain why he has no girlfriend. That’s weak.  Most of us losers don’t need an abacus to explain our problems attracting the opposite sex. Usually our deficiency is right out there in the open for all to see. I’m […]

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy!Robbing banks is crazy. Robbing banks when you are 75 years old is crazier.Robbing banks when you are 75 years old and using a “walker” as a get-a-way car is craziest!DATELINE: Vancouver, Canada This is no Butch Cassidy and the Sun Dance Kid Odyssey. This is Forest […]

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy! Candid shots of Americans shopping at WalMart. These are real pictures of real people who obviously don’t have a clue or could care less about how they look in public. Spandex and thongs and wrapping paper for pants. Vomit and Capn Morgans for hair tonic. Flesh […]

You know what’s Crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy!™ National Shirtless Day.  What’s that you ask. It’s a day of protest, a day of equal rights for women. It’s a day where saggy boobs are set free, like flesh covered melons falling from the trees. The protest coincides with the date when women got the […]

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy! Extreme preaching. A priest on a skate board. It’s like the X games of religion. Hey, I’m all about promoting your message, but on a skateboard? Here in the bible belt, the newspaper is filled with advertising for Sunday Worship services. The local news is loaded […]

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy!™ Workers who are so inept, so lazy, they can’t even paint a highway correctly. DATELINE: England According to published reports, road workers painted over a dead hedgehog in the road, rather than stop to pick it up. They painted over the snout of a hedgehog? Seriously! […]

You know what’s crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy!™ A woman attacked with human waste! She was slimed with a bucket of skum, so horrific, so foul, that even grizzled police veterans who have inhaled the stench of autopsy vapor reportedly began to gag. DATELINE: Seattle According to Seattle Police, a man allegedly threw a […]